Monday, June 6, 2011

Yukon here we come !

Day 6, Sunday May 29th, 2011

Today Henry has been in Canada for 34 years.  
            We wake up to crystal clear blue skies at our beautiful campsite on Boya Lake.  
Breakfast at Boya Lake
 After a leisurely breakfast we head out for a short hike on a marked trail along the lake.  |Unfortunately and stupidly I trip over a rock and sprain my ankle).  In pain I hobble back to the campsite.  
 We head out towards the Yukon.  Some 81 kilometres later we cross the Yukon border, the territory impresses immediately with the vast spaciousness.  We are fortunate to have beautiful warm weather around 22 all day.   We had planned on stopping at Nugget City to fill up, but must have blinked at the same time again, because we missed it.  

This blog will show the Ugly

We instead fill up at Rancheria Lodge; I do not know how to describe it, other then to say it has seen better days. We picnic lunched just west of the continental divide.  When we get to Teslin unfortunately the Teslin Tlingit Heritage centre was still closed for the season.  Along the way we had been told about the fabulous cinnamon buns at Johnson Crossing.  I devour the whole thing and I think it will do me for the rest of my life.    

And the beautiful   Squanga Lake
 We continue to drive till Squanga Yukon Park and set up for the night, again under blue skies.  The weather has been fabulous so far. !!  

Who know the Yukon was so beautiful

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