Sunday, June 19, 2011

Just a quick update

Hello to all who are following our once in a life time adventure.    My internet connection here at this campground in Healy Alaska is very weak, so I am not really able to update much.   
It was always my intention that once we hit Denali I would no longer keep a daily log.   Our travels up to here, were rather rushed to make our reservations on the 14th in Denali.   Now that we have made that goal our schedule is slowing down somewhat.   I will now be updating the blog on topics, not daily events.   Thank you to all of you who have sent me messages saying you are enjoying the blog.  I really do appreciate it.  For those of you who have tried to post messages on the blog, I am sorry I do not know why it is not working.  Keep trying is all I can say.  

We have meanwhile been to Denali National Park,  flown around Mt. McKinley and landed on a glacier.  We have riden the ATV in the wilderness by Denali.   More details and of course pictures will be posted in the near future.  We are headed to Fairbanks and hope to get a good internet connection there.

Till next time.  

Tico is having the time of his life.  Today he made two new friends and played for a long time with them.  He also went on an ATV ride. 

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