Monday, June 13, 2011

City here I come

Day 18, June 11, 2011  Sunset 12:17 AM   

        I can’t deny the fact that I am happy we are headed to a bigger city.  As beautiful and serene Mother Nature is, I grew up in the big city and I am ready for a good dose of civilization.   Anchorage here we come.   Our drive there is again a wonderment of the beauty of Alaska, mountains formed by Glaciers and sculpted by water and wind into these magnificent treed, rock and ice peaks.  Right off the bat we see two trumpeter swans peacefully swimming in a glacier fed lakes. 

Pine Cones on a branch ( and yes a glass of beer) 

We drive along Turnagain Bay during low tide and wonder where all the water went.  In Anchorage we settle into a full service RV park, to do the laundry and catch up with emails.  Henry gets the tires changed back to front while I do laundry.  Our home for tonight is across the street from a Costco and  would you believe they sell booze.  So we stock up on beer and wine. 



      Our neighbours at the campground are a couple from Switzerland who we met in the Tahkinni Hot Springs.  And they say Alaska is so big. 

Artic Lupin

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