Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Alaska............. we have arrived !

Day 12, Saturday June 4, 2011  Sunset 12:34

            The winded howled off the Kluane Lake all night and I wondered how cold, harsh and lonely this place must be in the winter.  The wind shock the trailer and I learnt the price of the best view spot, is lack of shelter from the eliminates.   

Kluane Lake

            As we continue along the Alaska Highway, our last day in the Yukon for awhile, we see the vast amounts of spruce forests that were damaged by the spruce tree bug in the nineties.  Much of the forest has regrown with Alder trees.   At a rest spot we see trumpeter swan fishing for his breakfast.

Alaska Border

 The road condition continues to worsen.  Much of the soil here is of glacial origins.  Anything that causes the permafrost to melt will cause the ice rich soil to liquefy and the liquid soil has little strength and will settle or subside. Then if this soil refreezes during lower air temperatures, it will expand or heave.
So you southerners do not complain about the odd pothole.

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