Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Day 13, Sunday June 5, 2011   Sunset 12:03  AM

            After a lazy Sunday morning start, we head from Tok to Valdez.  Along the way we see a moose and a red fox, unfortunately they are faster then I can take a picture.
It is obvious that we are now closer to the coast, as the vegetation has become a lush green.   The road sides are lined with blooming fireweed.  The scenery once again breathtakingly beautiful and something beyond description.                


Horseshoe Falls
Bridal Falls

     In Valdez we settle in at the Valdez Glacier Campground, our camp host is Captain Warren Corbett of the US military.  This campground is owned and run by the US army.   It is in a wooden setting.  We take the truck into the town centre to get some information and quickly discover there is more to do then we have time for.  We had been hoping to take the ferry to Whitter but it does not sail till Wednesday.    At the harbour we see some of the halibut that were caught today.  The largest one weighed in at 95 lbs. 

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