Sunday, July 3, 2011


            Before we left, when ever we spoke to someone about travelling up north, they would ask if we were driving the Top of the World highway.  Yes, we planned, and did drive the Top of the World. 

Beginning of the Top of the World
I always wondered why it was called that, since it is not really located at the top of the world.  Well, lets say, I got my answer. 

The road creeps along the top edge of the mountain range giving you sweeping views from both sides of the valleys and to the rolling mountain ranges.  

 It is also one of the most northerly highways in the world at those longitudes.   
The motorcycles remind us of Tom. Note the potholes

 The day we drove the 127 long dirt road, there was a cloud cover, that partially blocked our view in the distance, but also made you feel like we could touch the clouds. 

  The elevation slowly climbed higher and higher, at close to the highest point is the border crossing at Little Gold Creek . 

Border Crossing
Near Summit, Border in the distance

After three weeks it was good to be back in Canada. The views are just as beautiful on the Canadian side with the added bonus of a paved road.  I think the pictures tell the story best. 

Yes Snow !   June 27, 2011

As we start our decent, we can see the Yukon River in the distance. 
View down to Yukon River

Then comes into view  Dawson  City.  We continue our decent and come to the Ferry Crossing at West Dawson.  

Ferry crossing Yukon River.  Ice Road in Winter
 An interesting experience in itself.  Only a few vehicles at a time, and if  you are driving a big rig like ours that means you might need to wait a sailing or two.   The ramp you drive on is made out of dirt, and hopefully in the right place.  They load us and a big tour bus plus one vehicle.  As the bus drives on you can feel the whole ferry shift. 

 We make the crossing of the Yukon River  
 and we are in Dawson City, yippee !. 
Yukon River, Dawson City in background

Dawson City report will come after our Dempster Adventure.  

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