Thursday, July 28, 2011



Throughout our travels we have visited sights made famous by the gold rush. 

Cast of Barkerville Royal Theatre musical 
blacksmith in Barkerville


How fitting it is that we take in the famous Barkerville as we head back home.   
Painless tooth removal, 1860's style

 When gold was found in 1862, on Williams Creek, Barkerville was founded and quickly grew into a metropolis of its time. 

I thought this one had potential as a fixer upper?

Local town folk
The Cariboo gold rush is brought back to life in this provincial historic town.  


 There are more then 130 restored or recreated buildings in Barkerville. 
Gold prospectors camp

  I was most fascinated in the fact that there was a Chinatown in the 1860 in Barkerville. 

The courthouse was located near by in Richfield.    
Judge in Richfield


 Henry, loving everything about the old west, loves Barkerville. 
Barkerville Pharmacy


We took in all the shows, and visited all the sights.  

And this is what it was all about. The GOLD

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